import { Count, CountSchema, Filter, FilterExcludingWhere, repository, Where, } from '@loopback/repository'; import { post, param, get, getModelSchemaRef, patch, put, del, requestBody, response, HttpErrors, } from '@loopback/rest'; import { AirReport } from '../models'; import { AirReportRepository, UserRepository, ActionRepository, UserLocationRoleRepository } from '../repositories'; import { SqsService } from '../services/sqs-service.service'; import { inject } from '@loopback/core'; import { SecurityBindings, securityId, UserProfile } from '@loopback/security'; import { authenticate } from '@loopback/authentication'; import moment from 'moment'; @authenticate('jwt') export class AirReportController { constructor( @repository(AirReportRepository) public airReportRepository: AirReportRepository, @repository(ActionRepository) public actionRepository: ActionRepository, @repository(UserRepository) public userRepository: UserRepository, @repository(UserLocationRoleRepository) public userLocationRoleRepository: UserLocationRoleRepository, @inject('services.SqsService') public sqsService: SqsService, ) { } @post('/air-reports') @response(200, { description: 'AirReport model instance', content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport) } }, }) async create( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { title: 'NewAirReport', exclude: ['id'], }), }, }, }) airReport: Omit, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); if (user) { airReport.reporterId =; const count = await this.airReportRepository.count(); airReport.maskId = `AIR-${moment().format('YYMMDD')}-${count.count + 1}`; airReport.status = 'Stage I: Preliminary Notification' const aReport = await this.airReportRepository.create(airReport); const actionItem = { application: "AIR", actionType: "air_reviewer", description: airReport.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: aReport.created, objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReport.reviewerId } const hasDamagedEquipment = airReport.damagedEquipmentNumber.length > 0; // Check for any injured person inside personInvolved and personnelImpacted const personsInvolved = airReport.personInvolved || []; const personsImpacted = airReport.personnelImpacted || []; const isAnyPersonInjured = [...personsInvolved, ...personsImpacted].some(person => { if (typeof person === 'object' && person !== null) { return 'injured' in person && person.injured; } return false; }); if (hasDamagedEquipment) { const mailSubject = `Notification to Duty Engineering Manager`; const mailBody = ` Medical Report

IR Ref Number: ${airReport.maskId}

Date & Time of Incident: ${airReport.incidentDate}

Damaged Equipment: ${airReport.damagedEquipmentNumber?.join(', ')}

Damage Type: ${airReport.damageType}

How / Why did the incident occur: ${airReport.moreDetails}

Submitted By: ${user?.firstName}

Submitted Date / Time: ${airReport.created}

`; const roleId = "64d5e4b4a3e49d1da2e04f70"; const allLocationId = 'all'; let whereCondition = { roles: { inq: [[roleId]] }, or: [ { locationOneId: { inq: ['tier1-all'] }, locationTwoId: '', locationThreeId: '', locationFourId: '', }, ] }; const userLocationRoles = await this.userLocationRoleRepository.find({ where: whereCondition, }); const userIds = => userLocationRole.userId); const uniqueUserIds = Array.from(new Set(userIds)); const users = await this.userRepository.find({ where: { id: { inq: uniqueUserIds as string[] } }, }); if (users && users.length) { for (const user of users) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(user, mailSubject, mailBody); } } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } if (isAnyPersonInjured) { const personsInvolved = airReport.personInvolved || []; const personsImpacted = airReport.personnelImpacted || []; const isAnyPersonInjured = [...personsInvolved, ...personsImpacted].filter(person => { if (typeof person === 'object' && person !== null) { return 'injured' in person && person.injured; } return false; }); const formattedDetails = isAnyPersonInjured?.map((person: any, index) => { if (person && person?.selectedEmp && person? return `
  • Person ${index + 1}:

    Name: ${person? || 'N/A'}

    Employee ID: ${person?.selectedEmp.uniqueId || 'N/A'}

    Designation: ${person?.selectedEmp.designation || 'N/A'}

    Injured Parts: ${person? any) => i).join(',')}

  • `; else return ``; }).join('\n\n'); const mailSubject = `Notification to Medical Officer`; const mailBody = ` Medical Report

    IR Ref Number: ${airReport.maskId}

    Date & Time of Incident: ${airReport.incidentDate}

    Person/s Impacted:


    Submitted By: ${user?.firstName}

    Submitted Date / Time: ${airReport.created}

    `; const roleId = "64f0375eb7adc567b4925e92"; const allLocationId = 'all'; let whereCondition = { roles: { inq: [[roleId]] }, or: [ { locationOneId: { inq: ['tier1-all'] }, locationTwoId: '', locationThreeId: '', locationFourId: '', }, ] }; const userLocationRoles = await this.userLocationRoleRepository.find({ where: whereCondition, }); const userIds = => userLocationRole.userId); const uniqueUserIds = Array.from(new Set(userIds)); const users = await this.userRepository.find({ where: { id: { inq: uniqueUserIds as string[] } }, }); if (users && users.length) { for (const user of users) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(user, mailSubject, mailBody); } } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } if (airReport.reviewerId && user?.id) { const airReviewer = await this.userRepository.findById(airReport.reviewerId); if (airReviewer) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airReviewer, `Review incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${aReport.maskId}`, `AIR ${aReport.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Review.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } await this.actionRepository.create(actionItem) return aReport; } else { throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized('Unauthorized') } } @get('/air-reports/count') @response(200, { description: 'AirReport model count', content: { 'application/json': { schema: CountSchema } }, }) async count( @param.where(AirReport) where?: Where, ): Promise { return this.airReportRepository.count(where); } @get('/air-reports') @response(200, { description: 'Array of AirReport model instances', content: { 'application/json': { schema: { type: 'array', items: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { includeRelations: true }), }, }, }, }) async find( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.filter(AirReport) filter?: Filter, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); if (user) { const where = { or: [ { reviewerId: }, { reporterId: }, { surveyorId: }, { estimatorId: }, { traineeId: }, { gmOpsId: }, { thirdPartyId: }, { securityId: }, { costReviewerId: }, { financerId: }, { dutyEngManagerId: }, ] }; return this.airReportRepository.find({ where }); } else { throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized('Unauthorized') } } @get('/all-air-reports') @response(200, { description: 'Array of AirReport model instances', content: { 'application/json': { schema: { type: 'array', items: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { includeRelations: true }), }, }, }, }) async findAll( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.filter(AirReport) filter?: Filter, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); if (user) { return this.airReportRepository.find(filter); } else { throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized('Unauthorized') } } @get('/my-air-reports') @response(200, { description: 'Array of AirReport model instances', content: { 'application/json': { schema: { type: 'array', items: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { includeRelations: true }), }, }, }, }) async findMyReport( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.filter(AirReport) filter?: Filter, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); if (user) { return this.airReportRepository.find({ where: { reporterId: } }); } else { throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized('Unauthorized') } } @patch('/air-reports') @response(200, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success count', content: { 'application/json': { schema: CountSchema } }, }) async updateAll( @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, @param.where(AirReport) where?: Where, ): Promise { return this.airReportRepository.updateAll(airReport, where); } @get('/air-reports/{id}') @response(200, { description: 'AirReport model instance', content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { includeRelations: true }), }, }, }) async findById( @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.filter(AirReport, { exclude: 'where' }) filter?: FilterExcludingWhere ): Promise { return this.airReportRepository.findById(id, filter); } @patch('/air-reports/{id}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateById( @param.path.string('id') id: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-reports-truck-status/{id}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateTruckStatusById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-reviewer-reports/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateReviewerById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); const airReportData = await this.airReportRepository.findById(id) airReport.status = 'Stage 2: Initial Assessment'; if (airReport.immediateActionRequired) { //Notify concern people if (airReport.cllInvolved) { airReport.truckStatus = true } } if (airReport.isMajorIncident) { //inform TT Club } let actionItem = []; if (airReport.isMedicalPersonInvolved) { actionItem = [{ application: "AIR", actionType: "air_medical_officer", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReport.medicalOfficerId }] if (airReport.medicalOfficerId && user?.id) { const airMedicalOfficer = await this.userRepository.findById(airReport.medicalOfficerId); if (airMedicalOfficer) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airMedicalOfficer, `Send Medical Report for the incident ${airReportData.maskId} Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Send Medical Report.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } } if (airReport.damagedEquipmentNumber && airReport.damagedEquipmentNumber.length > 0) { actionItem = [{ application: "AIR", actionType: "air_engineer", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReport.engineerId }] if (airReport.engineerId && user?.id) { const airEngineer = await this.userRepository.findById(airReport.engineerId); if (airEngineer) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airEngineer, `Inspect the damaged equipmenet incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please do the Survey.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } } actionItem = [{ application: "AIR", actionType: "air_investigator", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReportData.reviewerId }, { application: "AIR", actionType: "air_cost_estimator", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReport.estimatorId } ] if (airReport.surveyorId || airReport.surveyorEmail) { actionItem = [...actionItem, { application: "AIR", actionType: "air_surveyor", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReportData.reviewerId }] if (airReportData.reviewerId && user?.id) { const airSurvyeor = await this.userRepository.findById(airReportData.reviewerId); if (airSurvyeor) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airSurvyeor, `Upload the Survey documents for the incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please upload the Survey Documents.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } //added surveyor email AIR survey need only notification through email . It should contain AIR # Number, Date and Time,Description ,photos, Submitted by if (airReport.surveyorEmail) { this.sqsService.sendEmail(airReport.surveyorEmail, `Incident to be Surveyed`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Description: ${airReportData.description}. Please carryout the survey immediately`) } } if (airReport.reviewerId && user?.id) { const airReviewer = await this.userRepository.findById(airReportData.reviewerId); if (airReviewer) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airReviewer, `Investigate incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Investigate.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } if (airReport.estimatorId && user?.id) { const airEstimator = await this.userRepository.findById(airReport.estimatorId); if (airEstimator) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airEstimator, `Estimate the Cost of incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Estimate the cost of Incident.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } if (actionItem && actionItem.length > 0) await this.actionRepository.createAll(actionItem) await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-reports-approve/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateApproveById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); const airReportData = await this.airReportRepository.findById(id) airReport.status = 'Stage 3: Reported'; let actionItem = []; if (airReportData.damagedEquipmentNumber && airReportData.damagedEquipmentNumber.length > 0) { actionItem = [{ application: "AIR", actionType: "air_engineer", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReportData.engineerId }] if (airReportData.engineerId && user?.id) { const airEngineer = await this.userRepository.findById(airReportData.engineerId); if (airEngineer) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airEngineer, `Inspect the damaged equipmenet incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please do the Survey.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } } else { actionItem = [{ application: "AIR", actionType: "air_investigator", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReportData.reviewerId }, { application: "AIR", actionType: "air_cost_estimator", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReportData.estimatorId } ] if (airReportData.surveyorId || airReportData.surveyorEmail) { actionItem = [...actionItem, { application: "AIR", actionType: "air_surveyor", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReportData.reviewerId }] if (airReportData.reviewerId && user?.id) { const airSurvyeor = await this.userRepository.findById(airReportData.reviewerId); if (airSurvyeor) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airSurvyeor, `Upload the Survey Document for the incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Upload the Survey Document.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } if (airReportData.surveyorEmail) { this.sqsService.sendEmail(airReportData.surveyorEmail, `Incident to be Surveyed`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Description: ${airReportData.description}. Please carryout the survey immediately`) } } if (airReportData.reviewerId && user?.id) { const airReviewer = await this.userRepository.findById(airReportData.reviewerId); if (airReviewer) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airReviewer, `Investigate incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Investigate.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } if (airReportData.estimatorId && user?.id) { const airEstimator = await this.userRepository.findById(airReportData.estimatorId); if (airEstimator) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airEstimator, `Estimate the Cost of incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Estimate the cost of Incident.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } } if (actionItem && actionItem.length > 0) await this.actionRepository.createAll(actionItem) await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-reports-approve-second/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateApproveSecondById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); const airReportData = await this.airReportRepository.findById(id) airReport.status = 'Stage 3: Reported'; let actionItem = []; actionItem = [{ application: "AIR", actionType: "air_investigator", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReportData.reviewerId }, { application: "AIR", actionType: "air_cost_estimator", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReportData.estimatorId } ] if (airReportData.surveyorId || airReportData.surveyorEmail) { actionItem = [...actionItem, { application: "AIR", actionType: "air_surveyor", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReportData.reviewerId }] if (airReportData.reviewerId && user?.id) { const airSurvyeor = await this.userRepository.findById(airReportData.reviewerId); if (airSurvyeor) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airSurvyeor, `Upload the Survey Document the incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Upload the Survey Document.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } if (airReportData.surveyorEmail) { this.sqsService.sendEmail(airReportData.surveyorEmail, `Incident to be Surveyed`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Description: ${airReportData.description}. Please carryout the survey immediately`) } } if (airReportData.reviewerId && user?.id) { const airReviewer = await this.userRepository.findById(airReportData.reviewerId); if (airReviewer) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airReviewer, `Investigate incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Investigate.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } if (airReportData.estimatorId && user?.id) { const airEstimator = await this.userRepository.findById(airReportData.estimatorId); if (airEstimator) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airEstimator, `Estimate the Cost of incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Estimate the cost of Incident.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } if (actionItem && actionItem.length > 0) await this.actionRepository.createAll(actionItem) await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } //resubmit here @patch('/air-resubmit-reports/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateResubmitById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); const airReportData = await this.airReportRepository.findById(id) if (user) { airReport.reporterId =; airReport.status = 'Stage I: Preliminary Notification' const actionItem = { application: "AIR", actionType: "air_reviewer", description: airReport.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: airReport.created, objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReportData.reviewerId } if (airReportData.reviewerId && user?.id) { const airReviewer = await this.userRepository.findById(airReportData.reviewerId); if (airReviewer) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airReviewer, `Review incident Resubmitted by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is re-submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Review.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } await this.actionRepository.create(actionItem) } else { throw new HttpErrors.Unauthorized('Unauthorized') } await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-medical-reports/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateMedicalById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { // airReport.status = 'Stage 3: Reported'; await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-engineer-reports/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateEngineerById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { // airReport.status = 'Stage 3: Reported'; const airReportData = await this.airReportRepository.findById(id) airReport.engineerComments = airReportData.engineerComments + '
    ' + airReport.engineerComments; await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'in_progress' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-review-return/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateReviewReturnById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); const airReportData = await this.airReportRepository.findById(id) airReport.status = 'Stage 2: Initial Assessment' let actionItem = [ { application: "AIR", actionType: "air_reporter", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReportData.reporterId }] await this.actionRepository.createAll(actionItem) await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-investigator-reports/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateInvestigatorById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { //use gmops review after investigation const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); const airReportData = await this.airReportRepository.findById(id) airReport.status = 'Stage 4: Investigation Phase' let actionItem = [{ application: "AIR", actionType: "air_gmops_review", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReport.gmOpsId } ] if (airReport.gmOpsId && user?.id) { const airGmOps = await this.userRepository.findById(airReport.gmOpsId); if (airGmOps) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airGmOps, `Review the incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Review.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } await this.actionRepository.createAll(actionItem) await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-gmops-reports/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateGmOpsById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); const airReportData = await this.airReportRepository.findById(id) airReport.status = 'Stage 5: Action Implementation' let actionItem = [{ application: "AIR", actionType: "air_trainee", description: airReportData.description, dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReport.traineeId } ] await this.actionRepository.createAll(actionItem) await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-cost-estimator-reports/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateCostEstimatorById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); const airReportData = await this.airReportRepository.findById(id) airReport.status = 'Stage 5: Action Implementation' let actionItem = [{ application: "AIR", actionType: "air_duty_manager", description: 'Modify / Submit the Cost Estimation', dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReport.dutyEngManagerId } ] if (airReport.dutyEngManagerId && user?.id) { const airDutyEngManager = await this.userRepository.findById(airReport.dutyEngManagerId); if (airDutyEngManager) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airDutyEngManager, `Estimate the Actual Cost of incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Estimate the actual cost of Incident.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } await this.actionRepository.createAll(actionItem) await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-duty-manager-estimator-reports/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateDutyManagerEstimatorById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); const airReportData = await this.airReportRepository.findById(id) airReport.status = 'Stage 5: Action Implementation' let actionItem = [{ application: "AIR", actionType: "air_cost_reviewer", description: 'Review the Actual Cost Estimation', dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReport.costReviewerId } ] if (airReport.costReviewerId && user?.id) { const airCostReviewer = await this.userRepository.findById(airReport.costReviewerId); if (airCostReviewer) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airCostReviewer, `Review the Actual Cost of incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Review the actual cost of Incident.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } await this.actionRepository.createAll(actionItem) await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-cost-reviewer-reports/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateCostReviewerById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); const airReportData = await this.airReportRepository.findById(id) airReport.status = 'Stage 5: Action Implementation' let actionItem = [{ application: "AIR", actionType: "air_finance", description: 'Actual Cost Estimation', dueDate: '', status: "open", createdDate: moment(new Date()).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm'), objectId:, submittedById: user?.id, assignedToId: airReport.financerId } ] if (airReport.financerId && user?.id) { const airFinancer = await this.userRepository.findById(airReport.financerId); if (airFinancer) { this.sqsService.sendMessage(airFinancer, `Review the Actual Cost of incident Reported by ${user.firstName} | AIR ${airReportData.maskId}`, `AIR ${airReportData.maskId} is submitted by ${user?.firstName}. Please Review the actual cost of Incident.`) } else { throw new HttpErrors.NotFound(`User not found. Try again`); } } await this.actionRepository.createAll(actionItem) await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-financer-reports/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateFinancerById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); const airReportData = await this.airReportRepository.findById(id) airReport.truckStatus = false airReport.status = 'Stage 6: Closed and Archived' await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-surveyor-reports/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateSurveyorById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { airReport.status = 'Stage 3: Reported' await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @patch('/air-trainee-reports/{id}/{actionId}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PATCH success', }) async updateTraineeById( @inject(SecurityBindings.USER) currentUserProfile: UserProfile, @param.path.string('id') id: string, @param.path.string('actionId') actionId: string, @requestBody({ content: { 'application/json': { schema: getModelSchemaRef(AirReport, { partial: true }), }, }, }) airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { const email =; const user = await this.userRepository.findOne({ where: { email: email } }); await this.actionRepository.updateById(actionId, { status: 'completed' }) await this.airReportRepository.updateById(id, airReport); } @put('/air-reports/{id}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport PUT success', }) async replaceById( @param.path.string('id') id: string, @requestBody() airReport: AirReport, ): Promise { await this.airReportRepository.replaceById(id, airReport); } @del('/air-reports/{id}') @response(204, { description: 'AirReport DELETE success', }) async deleteById(@param.path.string('id') id: string): Promise { await this.airReportRepository.deleteById(id); } }